Frontline FAST Cohort 17 Holds Completion Capstone
Published August 9, 2022
Frontline FAST (Foreman Accelerated Skills Training) Cohort 17 held its capstone presentation to invited guests on July 22 to discuss what they learned from the program. Developed and run by foremen from The Apprentice School, Frontline FAST is a 14- to 16-month program designed to challenge and prepare apprentices for future foreman roles.
During the presentation, members of the cohort talked about what they learned, how they grew and how they are going to use what they learned.
Throughout their journey, members of the cohort were taught key Foreman Qualification Standards (FQS) in coaching sessions on the waterfront with foremen, while completing related milestones. They also attend MERGE (Meet, Explore, Reflect, Grow, Engage) meetings that challenged them on five key leadership principles: model the way, inspire a shared vision, encourage the heart, enable others to act, and challenge the process.
Apprentices are expected to get time as a makeup foreman, along with a special rotation that will help them as foreman. Including Cohort 17, 289 apprentices have completed the program.
Cohort 17 members are Jessica Hairston (E06), Michael Creel (O43), Jamica Jones (O43), Noah Bondurant (X11), Steven Nugent (X15), Tashiana Adams (X18), Joshua Ryen (X18), Jessica Lawson (X18), Michael Miller (X31), Kyaw Oo (X31), Ross Whitlock Jr. (X31), Nathan Britt (X32), Stuart Campbell (X32), John Forbes (X32), Shawn Guzman (X32), Marselis Johns (X32), Tiffany Harvey (X33C), Danielle Seabourne (X33I), Kristopher Smith (X33I), Craig Pace (X32), Austin Kiefner (X43) and Ian Winfield (X43).