Join a United Way Affinity Group to Impact the Community
Published June 14, 2022
Sign up to learn about the United Way Women United and Emerging Leaders Society affinity groups by registering for the UW Affinity Groups Lunch & Learn, which will be held Wednesday, June 15, from noon until 12:30 p.m.
Women United fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in the community. Its mission is to mobilize the power of women to advance a common good agenda on the Peninsula. Consistent with the United Way strategic goal of creating pathways out of poverty, Women United focuses efforts around serving women and children.
The Emerging Leaders Society is a group of passionate, community-focused professionals in their twenties and thirties who want to connect with like-minded peers, serve their community, and develop as leaders for change. Emerging Leaders achieve these goals through participation in various community volunteer opportunities, addressing and discussing the community’s challenges with today’s top leaders, contributing financially to nonprofits and networking with like-minded young leaders to create change on the Peninsula.