The Business Acceleration Division at NNS was established in 2022 to help advance the NNS Forward Strategy.

‘Know the Score’ Board Enables FORWARD Focus

Published June 5, 2024

The Business Acceleration Division (K52) at Newport News Shipbuilding has developed the new “Know the Score” Board, a one-stop-shop dashboard available to all shipbuilders to help them understand measures that NNS leaders use to support employees, customers and commitments.

Essentially, the scoreboard will enable NNS leadership behaviors: seek and establish clarity, ask the extra question and know the score.

“I think it is important to understand how our metrics roll up to the overall business measures,” said Oliver Aguilar (O12). “The Business Acceleration Dashboard provides those measures to support our understanding of how our hard work and contributions are impacting business objectives.”

NNS established the Business Acceleration Division in 2022 to help advance the NNS Forward Strategy, which has five goals: Enable Our Workforce, Transform Business Operations, Execute Efficiently, Grow The Business Base and Lead The Way.

The division serves as a catalyst for change and an accelerator of performance improvements. Every team in the division is focused on execution and continuous improvement by identifying key focus areas and establishing the measures by which we analyze our progress toward becoming a healthy business.

Contact the Business Acceleration Comms team with any inquiries, feedback, or recommended additions to the “Know the Score” board.