May ED&I Discussion Focuses on Navigating Through Change
Published May 25, 2021
The Engagement, Diversity & Inclusion offices hosted another virtual panel discussion as a part of the “Together Strong – Life Unites” Series on May 10. This month’s discussion focused on navigating through change.
The panel included Keisha Pexton, director of Trades Training; Veronica Speller, Information Technology manager; Lewis Fisher, Production Planning and Scheduling manager; Tom Cosgrove, Corporate Citizenship and Government Relations manager; and Dakota Cunningham, a finance analyst for the Virginia-Class Submarine Program.
Panelists shared their thoughts on navigating changes. “Managing change is like playing chess. You have to think ahead,” Pexton said.
Watch a video of the discussion on MyNNS. Please note: no charge is provided. Employees who watch the video must do so on their own time. Shipbuilders are invited to join the conversation on the second Monday of each month as participants learn to remove bias boundaries and grow from each others’ experiences, embracing differences and impacting together through awareness, education and action.