Message from Xavier Beale about Shipbuilder Expectations
Published July 26, 2023
At last month’s town hall meetings, our president Jennifer Boykin stressed the importance of personal ownership and responsibility at all times.
Our shipyard is part of a neighborhood that includes homes, businesses, churches, and the city’s government center. We are proud of our community and should be mindful of how our actions impact those around us.
In recent months, we have received an increased number of complaints from our neighbors about the behavior of people associated with the shipyard, including suspected criminal offenses in the surrounding community.
Newport News Shipbuilding has zero tolerance for disrespectful behavior. In the event that an individual is suspected of criminal behavior (e.g. vandalism, theft, littering, etc.), we will cooperate with the Newport News Police Department to identify individuals. Should we learn that an employee has violated company policies, we will take appropriate internal actions.
While I know most of our shipbuilders demonstrate pride in our company and community, we must be intolerant of those who do not, and report those behaviors. We must all act as good neighbors and ambassadors for the great work we do here to deliver freedom to our nation.
Thanks for all you do to continue our legacy of “Always Good Ships,” built by great shipbuilders!
Xavier L. Beale
Vice President, Human Resources and Trades