Observing Ethics and Compliance Awareness Month
Published August 9, 2023
HII and Newport News Shipbuilding are observing Ethics and Compliance Awareness Month in August. It is a time when the company has chosen to be more intentional about conversations, messaging and training.
“I ask that we use this month during our staff meetings and crew talks to discuss what it means to be ethical in our daily interactions as well as what to do when we see unethical behavior. Our goal is to continue to have a culture where it is easy to do the right thing and very difficult to do the wrong thing,” said Evelyn Gregory, director of Ethics, Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I).
NNS’ Business Conduct Committee works to help build an ethical culture among all employees and minimize compliance risks. The committee is made up of business conduct representatives who serve as liaisons between the Business Conduct Office and their respective divisions.
Jonathan Branch (O19), who has served as a business conduct representative for a year, said “the safety of our nation hinges on ethical behavior at all levels.”
“Unethical behavior at any level can cripple an organization,” he said. “If we intend to remain a successful company, then it matters ‘who we are’ and ‘how we do what we do.’”
Branch said this year’s theme – Ethics and Me in 2023 – is a reminder to take responsibility for examining his own behavior and daily decisions. “Everyone can and should go the extra mile to create a culture of belonging, making every day count for those we encounter. Our internal and external customers depend on it,” he said.
Shipbuilders are invited to participate in Ethics and Compliance Month-focused webinars throughout August. Register on MyNNS.