Reminders from the Hazardous Energy Council
Published June 22, 2021
In the past 24 months, Newport News Shipbuilding has experienced an increase in injuries and near misses related to the unexpected release of stored and potential energy. Because of this upward trend, the Hazardous Energy Council reminds shipbuilders of the potential hazards that often are overlooked.
Some recent incidents resulted in injuries that could have been prevented.
Shipbuilders should be on the lookout for suspended loads from cranes and JLGs, use caution when plugging and unplugging pneumatic lines and equipment and ensure that items on staging are properly secured. They also should keep an eye out for potential pinch points and always be on the lookout for changing conditions in their work area. Maintain a questioning attitude, never become complacent and always remember to REC (Recognize, Evaluate, Control) your work area for hazards, including those related to stored and potential energy.
If you see something that appears to be unsafe, immediately report it to your supervisor or another member of management.