School Tools Drive Continues through Aug. 11
Published August 2, 2023
Newport News Shipbuilding employees can make school a better place for students and teachers simply by providing school supplies they require. Having these supplies promotes learning, boosts self-esteem and helps keep kids in school. Students in our community need your help.
NNS is proud to partner with local agencies to provide basic school supplies that are essential to educate children. The NNS School Tools Drive runs through Aug. 11. Join the effort by bringing tangible items to one of over 200 donation boxes or go to YouGiveGoods.com/nnsSchoolTools2023 to donate online to a specific agency. Look for donation boxes at the gate entrance turnstiles and throughout buildings. To request and pick up additional boxes, email [email protected].
Let’s help every child start the school year with the tools they need to succeed.
For more information, see the Distribution A memo.