“Shipbuilder University 2.0” Enable Our Workforce Expo is Live
Published August 31, 2021
The Newport News Shipbuilding Engagement Office’s Enable our Workforce virtual expo – Shipbuilder University 2.0 – is now live.
The goal of the 22-minute experience is to bring awareness and education to shipbuilders as the company focuses on the personal and professional development that shapes NNS’ culture of excellence and performance.
This year’s expo features a number of NNS leaders: Danyelle Saunders of the Engagement Office; Dru Branche, director of Plant Operations; Jon Arena, vice president and chief counsel; Mary Cullen, vice president of Nuclear Propulsion, Matt Needy, vice president of Navy Programs; Xavier Beale, vice president of Trades; Bryan Caccavale, vice president of Material, Manufacturing and Plant Operations; Tim Sweitzer, a director in Business Transformation and Technology; and Susan Jacobs, vice president of Human Resources and Administration. “The Band” also is back.
Visit the expo on MyNNS. There is no charge associated with attending this event. For more information visit the Engagement website on MyNNS.