Shipbuilders Keep Test Center Running Smoothly
Published January 20, 2021
As COVID-19 cases surge across the nation and in Hampton Roads, the number of administered tests at Newport News Shipbuilding’s COVID-19 Test Center continues to increase. Last month, the center recorded up to 1,000 tests per week, and on Tuesday it passed the 10,000-test mark since opening in late August.
The test center team consists of shipbuilders who check at least 100 employees into their appointments daily. Team members explain the test process, then guide employees to a nurse for nasal swabbing.
“It’s still taking care of our employees, just at a different location,” said Anita Adams, an administrative assistant. “This is one of the best teams that I’ve worked with in the shipyard. It’s a wonderful group of people and we’re making it happen.”
Adams and her team’s goal is to get employees in and out of the test center as quickly as possible. Alex Ranger (O38), who works on third shift, said he has used the test center twice. “You’re in and out in about 10 to 15 minutes,” he said. “It’s a smooth process.”
Stephanie Neary is the NNS COVID-19 Test Center supervisor. She credits the test center team and others across the shipyard for keeping the test center running. “This includes support from Facilities, IT, Security, and X36 tool rooms,” she said. “It takes a village.”
To contact the Test Center, call the NNS COVID Hotline at 1-844-243-8749.