Shipbuilders Participate in Community STEM Day
Published June 7, 2023
Newport News Shipbuilding participated in Community STEM Day, hosted annually by Christopher Newport University and Newport News Public Schools. The purpose of this event is to help children and their families explore the world of science, technology, engineering and math in exciting, hands-on ways.
Over 4,000 people came and enjoyed demonstrations and activities from over 75 exhibitors. Janice S. Boone (E68) and Melvin Ford (E18) manned the aluminum foil and duct tape boat competition. Children of all ages tested Archimedes’ principle – which states that any object immersed in a fluid is acted upon by a buoyant force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object – and designed a boat that not only floated but held weights.
“Hopefully some of the positive energy, design skills and creative excitement from this competition will plant a seed for future shipbuilders,” Boone said.