Shipbuilders Participate in Earth Day Cleanup
Published April 26, 2023
Volunteers from Newport News Shipbuilding collected approximately 970 pounds of trash during the company’s annual Earth Day cleanup on Thursday, April 20.
About 60 shipbuilders picked up litter around NNS gates and along Washington Avenue, Oakland Industrial Park, Huntington Park and the Sarfan Food Forest – owned by the Newport News Green Foundation and located at 19th Street and Chestnut Avenue. NNS Environmental Engineering collaborated with the Newport News Green Foundation, Leave No Trace – represented by Dave Lauthers – and Newport News Recycling for the cleanup.
Around shipyard gates on Washington Avenue, the most common trash items picked up by volunteers were cigarette butts, dental floss sticks and fast food wrappers.
“I coordinated a lot of trash cleanups, even when I was in college. It’s something I’ve done for years,” said volunteer Samantha Ziemba (K73). She also brings bags to the beach or on hikes to pick up litter she comes across.
Kevin Cheng (O39) said it was his first time participating in the Earth Day cleanup. He thought the event was a good opportunity to get back into volunteering following the COVID-19 pandemic.
“There’s only one Earth, so we should try to keep it nice and clean,” he said.
A lunchtime cleanup will take place Thursday, April 27, at Bldg. 600.