Shipbuilders’ Questioning Attitudes Save the Day
Published October 4, 2022
Newport News Shipbuilding employees Taylor Herring (K46) and Jeremy Hobson (X43) were recognized by the USS Montana (SSN 794) Post Shakedown Availability construction and production management teams for their questioning attitude while performing SUBSAFE work at Naval Station Norfolk.
Virginia-Class Submarine Program shipbuilders Herring, an X43 foreman, and Hobson, lead craftsman on the job, recognized unexpected conditions with the component on which they were assigned to work. They stopped and informed their management, as well as the construction and engineering teams. The discovery of this discrepancy prevented damage to the component that would have caused significant rework and potential replacement.
“This team is leading the way with their engagement and ownership with executing first-time quality work every time,” said Construction Director Camden West.