Sickle Cell Anemia Blood Drive is Sept. 11
Published August 28, 2024
In support of National Sickle Cell Month, Newport News Shipbuilding’s African American Shipbuilders Association (AASA) is encouraging blood donations from Black and Latino shipbuilders who are more likely to have compatible blood types with people with sickle cell disease. The Sickle Cell Anemia Blood Drive is Wednesday, Sept. 11, from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in Bldg. 520 (James River Room). The drive is open to everyone. Donors can charge their time to job order 0874-X.
Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic blood disease in the U.S., affecting almost 100,000 people – the great majority are of African descent. It affects 1 out of every 365 Black or African American births. Patients may require multiple blood transfusions per year throughout their lifetime to treat the condition. Sickle cell patients are more likely to find a compatible blood match from donors of the same race or ethnic group, but data shows that only 5% of blood donors are of African ancestry.
You can make a difference in the lives of sickle cell patients in our community simply by donating blood. The Red Cross will also screen donations from self-identified African American blood donors for Hemoglobin S, a key indicator of sickle cell trait, which may provide donors with valuable health insights. The screening will be part of the blood donation testing process and free of charge to donors.
To schedule an appointment on Sept. 11, register at www.redcrossblood.org and use code NNSB520 in the search field or contact Sheryce Moore or Natasha Eck via email.
For more information on sickle cell disease, visit www.sicklecellspeaks.com.