Apprentice School students

Student Services

Published April 1, 2020

Welcome to student life at The Apprentice School! The goal of Student Life is to provide student activities that develop leadership, while fostering an atmosphere of community within the total apprentice experience.

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience (FYE) program exists to assist students in transition to The Apprentice School and becoming part of the apprentice community. The program begins when an accepted applicant comes in for a physical and continues through the apprentice’s first year.

Pre-Employment Navigation

We provide assistance to incoming students at the company medical physical prior to enrollment/employment. Student Services personally meets every applicant on the day of the physical. Before the physical, contact information is exchanged and housing needs are determined. After the physical, Student Services again is there to answer any further questions and reviews next step actions needed and where to come on the first day.

Housing Assistance

Student Services aims to connect incoming students with suitable housing, and provide ongoing assistance to housing needs of all apprentices. The process begins at the company physical, after which Student Services assists each applicant one-on-one with housing needs.

Orientation Services

Student Services also tries to help each student reach their highest potential. To do this, all students take Student Success Orientation. The goal is to empower students to develop inner qualities that assist in maximizing their potential in school, career and personal lives. At the heart of this is the ability to make “wise choices” that support not only academic success but personal and professional success as well. To do this, the course is conducted in three mini-sessions throughout strategic points of a student’s first year: 1) Academic Success Principles (before beginning academics), 2) Personal Goals and Strategic Planning (during 3rd semester), and 3) Career Advancement (upon completing World Class Shipbuilding Curriculum).

Academic Advising

Advisors are available to assist students in many ways, ranging from transfer credits to understanding one’s own academic standing (i.e. probation or academic warnings). Student Services, partnering with selected Academic Instructors, form a pool of Academic Advisors that incoming students are assigned to as they begin academics. Grades are monitored weekly and ongoing interactions occur between a student and his or her Advisor for guidance.

Career Advising

At The Apprentice School, all students are full-time employees of Huntington Ingalls Industries and are already on a promising path of career success. Although a graduate is under no obligation to stay with the company, most do, and quickly move up the ranks within a variety of occupational areas.

Career advising is a big part of an apprenticeship, and it happens every day at The Apprentice School. Just like the Academic Advising program, Student Services partners with selected Craft Instructors to form a pool of Career Advisors that all incoming students are assigned to as they begin employment. Progress is monitored regularly and ongoing interactions occur between the student and his or her Career Advisor for guidance.