What is Liberal Leave?

Published January 22, 2025

Liberal leave means that employees do not have to work during the designated time if it is not safe to do so. Hourly employees who do not report can use annual leave, paid sick/personal time, or dock time. Salaried employees can use flextime or paid time off (PTO). When liberal leave is implemented for a partial shift, employees have the option to use liberal leave during any portion of the designated liberal leave time frame, provided they work the remainder of the shift.

FAQs regarding liberal leave:

  • Can a salaried employee take dock time if they don’t have PTO and don’t want to borrow PTO?

No. As indicated in the instructions above, and in accordance with the company’s Emergency Pay/Liberal Leave Procedure, NN 01-200, salaried employees (non-exempt or exempt) who do not work must use Paid Time Off (PTO) if they have a balance available, borrow PTO, or flex with supervision’s approval. In the event a salaried employee has already borrowed the maximum 40 hours allowed, they should contact their HRBP for further instructions.

  • Can a salaried employee borrow PTO if they don’t have any/enough hours in their banks?

Yes, to a maximum of 40 hours. In the event a salaried employee has already borrowed the maximum 40 hours allowed, they should contact their HRBP for further instructions.

  • Can salaried employees work from home?

Yes, with advance approval from their immediate supervisor. Employees working from home are reminded of the importance of accurately charging their work time.

  • Can an hourly employee take dock time? If so, how is that to be recorded in the system?

Yes, unless they have been designated as essential personnel by their supervisor. Supervisors should remember to enter Company Pass Out (0325) into MyTime for those hourly employees who chose to be docked and who are not essential personnel.

  • Can an hourly employee use Annual Leave (AL) if they choose?

Yes, as long as they have a sufficient balance to do so and have not been designated as essential personnel.

  • Can an hourly employee use Personal Time (PT) if they choose?

Yes, as long as they have a sufficient balance to do so and have not been designated as essential personnel.